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Full jars can be handed in at the in the northern part of the dungeon to gain chunks of Divination experience. Enberg: We had a chance to visit Cuba, and my wife and I wanted to go to the baseball game, and the Industiales -- which is the Yankees of the game in Cuba -- were playing against the tobacco team out there, and there were another 5,000 or 6,000 beyond the outfield watching, and it cost us 12 cents a ticket, so the economy is a little different. In fact, we call it the finest city in the United States.
The knocker is the fact that he was off-the-charts stellar for only a seven-year arc from 1964-1971. While Teri investigates, Glynis is falling for the leader of an online ministry.
Rob Manfred Town Hall Chat - Originally released in Europe Denmark with same tracks in different order and cover art. One of the reasons for that is our players play this game for something.
Moderator Jeremy Brisiel: Good morning and welcome to Fan Fest 2016 in San Diego, Calif. The Hall chat Town Hall Chat, which began with several e-mails answered casually in an office, has grown into a world-wide phenomenon, and to help us do that is the play-by-play voice in San Diego and one hall chat only two people in the baseball, basketball and football Hall hall chat Fame -- most importantly in the baseball Hall of Fame for broadcasting, Dick Enberg will be here to have the conversation with a man who is overseeing an exciting time in baseball in his second All-Star Game appearance, Commissioner Robert D. A big round of applause as they join us on stage. Moderator Jeremy Brisiel: Good morning and welcome to Fan Fest 2016 in San Diego, Calif. The Commissioner's Town Hall Chat, which began with hall chat e-mails answered casually in an office, has grown into a world-wide phenomenon, and to help us do that hall chat the play-by-play voice in San Diego and one of only two people in the baseball, basketball and football Hall hall chat Fame -- most importantly in the baseball Hall of Fame for broadcasting, Dick Enberg will be here to have the conversation with a man who is overseeing an exciting time in baseball in his second All-Star Game appearance, Commissioner Robert D. A big round of applause as they join us on stage. Dick Enberg: Thank you for joining us this morning. Baseball fans here and hall chat, and to salute the Commissioner of Baseball, Robert Manfred. I guess I should start, Commissioner. We think it's pretty nice. In fact, we call it the finest city in the United States. You've had a taste now of how we've been able to host the baseball world. Commissioner Rob Manfred: Well, you know, San Diego has been a great venue for the All-Star Game. The ballpark showed so well last night, it's just a fantastic facility. The subsidiary venues, the concert venue, the Play Ball field, also the proximity to Petco. I think it makes for a great fan experience, and you can't beat the weather. Enberg: And how about the FanFest. People work hard each and every year to make FanFest -- particularly for young people to come and engage in our game, and it has to be new and interesting every year, and I'm thrilled with this year's edition. Enberg: We have a lot of questions. Can I ask the first. Enberg: The Instant Replay Challenge System, in fact, in some of our telecasts, I will have to admit I've been critical about some of the delays, and maybe there is some tweaking that can be done. Do you see it evolving into a little different form than we're watching now. Commissioner Manfred: You know, when all else fails in baseball, it's always good to quote one of the great men of the game, and John Schuerholz is one of those. John served on our Instant Replay Committee, hall chat he said this is going to be hall chat three- or four-year process. It is going to continue to evolve. Length of replays, the delay in the replay process is hall chat we are particularly focused on this year, and I think you probably will see some tweaks next year to get at those issues. Enberg: And how about one of the umpires wearing a microphone where they can explain to the stadium audience just what transpired. Commissioner Manfred: I think transparency is an important part of the replay process. We've had some conversations with the umpires union about making some changes in that area, and I do think one way or another -- whether it's with an umpire microphone or on scoreboards -- we need to do a better job of explaining to fans what happened in the replay process. Enberg: Ready for questions from our baseball audience. The first is from Evan H. It was a historic trip for baseball. We were thrilled to play a role in the that viewing of the relations between the two countries. I would say two things about the future of the team: No. It is a very complicated hall chat that has built up over a period of years. Secondly, I think in terms of economic development, some hall chat development has to happen in Havana before it's viable for us. Enberg: And Major League Baseball may be a part of that development, because we know how the Cubans love baseball. We do well in markets where people love the game, and Cuba is one of those. Enberg: We had a chance to visit Cuba, and my wife and I wanted to go to the baseball game, and the Industiales -- which is the Yankees of the game in Cuba -- were playing against the tobacco team out there, and there were another 5,000 or 6,000 beyond the outfield watching, and it cost us 12 cents a ticket, so the economy is a little different. Commissioner Manfred: It is, in fact, a little different. I think it's our showcase international event. It combines the greatest players in the world with nationalism, which usually makes for great sport. And, you know, we know the U. Team is going to be very well-managed this time around. Our friend Jim Leyland has agreed to do that, and we're looking forward to this spring. Enberg: Have you selected a site yet. Commissioner Manfred: The sites will be announced shortly this summer, both the early rounds and the finals location. Vin is such a great gentleman. He's also unbelievably humble, given all of the accomplishments in his great career. We've talked to him about a number of things. The only thing I know for sure, I'm going to be in Dodger Stadium for Vin Scully this year. Enberg: He's the Poet Laureate of our profession. This is from Josh M. When will the Phillies get another All-Star Game. I would like to think in the next decade we will be back in Philadelphia for an All-Star Game game. We actually changed the Opening Day format this year. If you recall, we had a fuller slate of games on Sunday, so that we tried to take command of the entire day, not just the 8 o'clock game at night. I think that you will see more teams playing on Sunday going forward than you have historically. Enberg: This isn't a question, but I was thinking about last night's Home Run Derby, adding the clock intensified the event. I thought last night in the ballpark was unbelievable. Enberg: Didn't you think hall chat was great at the Derby. This is from Matthew S. Is there any chance that Major League Baseball would be willing to consider letting its players compete in the Olympics. It promotes the game, and that's really important. We're going to meet with International Baseball and Softball Federation later this summer, get a full understanding of the program and what they would like us to do to make a decision. Enberg: That would be difficult. August is right in the heat of a baseball race, and then to take a key player or two away from a team. Commissioner Manfred: Look, the calendar presents a huge challenge for us. hall chat Dick, you make a great point. We feel we owe it to the sport and to the Olympic movement to hear them out as to what their plan is before we make a decision. Enberg: The next is from Jack M. In fact, if you look across the broadcast booths, we have great diversity, a lot of Spanish-speaking broadcasters, former players of color that are involved in the game. But the trick with these jobs, just like any high-profile job in baseball, is we work hard to develop a pipeline of qualified individuals that are available to the clubs when they go to fill these high-profile positions. Enberg: Commissioner, I was privileged for a couple of years to have as my partner in the Fox broadcast booth Tony Gwynn, and just rubbing shoulders with Tony was fabulous. Commissioner Manfred: One hall chat the greats. This is from Matt W. It really has changed the play around the plate -- I think in a positive way. You know, player safety is a crucial issue for our sport and for all sports. The best thing I can say about the collision rule hall chat and I can't say that it can't be difficult in its application -- but we haven't had a major injury of anybody at home plate since it went in, and that's a positive for our game. Enberg: How about the slide rule at second base. Commissioner Manfred: I see the slide rule as a derivative. It's the next step on top of the catcher rule. Hall chat safety is a big deal hall chat us. You know, players have the opportunity to earn, you know, huge sums of money hall chat the course of careers, and you hate to see somebody's career cut short over a play that, in a lot of ways, is extraneous to the game. Hall chat Our next is from Ernest M. This is a special set of picks called competitive balance picks in between the first and second and second and third rounds, and those picks are tradeable. They actually can be assigned. It is an interesting economic discussion about whether trading actually helps competitive balance or not, but I think it will be a topic that we will discuss extensively with the Players Association this time around. Enberg: Do you have a sense that the Major League clubs themselves would like that. Commissioner Manfred: I think that the clubs are split on this issue. I think that the aggressive hall chat think of Draft picks as another asset. It's like money or assigned players, and you ought to be able to move 'em around to make your team better. I think more of our traditional clubs are concerned that there is a temptation to mortgage the future. Enberg: Next from Thomas D. It's not good for the health of our players. We've long had a rule in the Minor Leagues that prohibits the use of smokeless tobacco on the field, and we are in conversations with the Players Association about extending that ban to the Major League level. Enberg: What is their argument against banning. Commissioner Manfred: It's an individual freedom argument. The fact of the matter is smokeless tobacco is a legal substance. Your normal citizen can go into a store and buy smokeless and the argument is, why should the rules be different for a Major Hall chat player. Enberg: We were hit by it with Tony Gwynn, and a lot of folks are sensitive to it here. It's a big bargaining tool. Winner gets for the whole league the advantage of the World Series. One of the reasons for that is our players play this game for something. It makes the product on the field the best possible product for our fans. So I personally like the current rule. Enberg: Our final question, and then we will let our audience ask some. This is from Evan H. We've already gone back to Cuba, how about that. We went around the baseball world and we're back to Cuba, and now to San Diego. Here is one from Max F. Baseball has always been a generational game, and you have to work to make sure that it gets passed on to the next generation. We have two very significant initiatives -- one national, one local -- that are relevant to this. hall chat On the national level, we have the Play Ball initiative, and it's all about getting kids playing the game of baseball. Sometimes it's baseball, sometimes it's just catch, Wiffle Ball. And the reason that initiative is significant is it's the single biggest determination of whether somebody is a fan as an adult is whether they played as a kid. The second one takes place at the local level, and our 30 clubs have been phenomenal on this. It's important to get the current generation of fans to take kids to the ballpark at an early age. The earlier kids get into the ballpark, the more likely it is that they're going to be great fans going forward. Enberg: I can relate to that. My grandfather taking me hall chat my first Major League game and I was only 10 years old, but I decided that day I was going to be a Major League player some day. I certainly remember everything about the first day I went. I, like you, was 10 years old, and I think most people do. It's a significant, formative, American experience. Enberg: Take your kids to the ball yard and make them fans for life. We are ready for questions. Brisiel: We have play Pall Reporter Sutton with us. Fan question: What Major League Baseball city do you most enjoy visiting and why. Commissioner Manfred: That's a tough one. Look, we have 30 great cities where our franchises are located. I think one of the best things about my job is you get to visit 'em all. I think if I had to pick one, I would pick Pittsburgh, because the President of the Pittsburgh Pirates is probably one of my best friends for life, so I get a chance to see him in addition to seeing the Pirates. Brisiel: Another Play Ball reporter with us, Vincent. Fan question: How did your love of baseball start as a kid, and do you ever get the chance to get out and play ball. Commissioner Manfred: My love for baseball started with me playing in Little League. I really loved the game. I think my romance with the game was cemented because in 1968, my parents drove my two siblings and I down from upstate New York to Yankee Stadium. I was a huge Mickey Mantle fan, and I actually in my first game got to see Mickey Mantle hit two home runs, and it was the last time in his career that he ever did it. I do like to get out and play catch every now and then. As a matter of fact, a few weeks ago, a group of us from Major League Baseball went to Iowa to the Field of Dreams, and we had a nice catch at Field of Dreams. Fan question: With the vote coming up in August for the 2020 Olympics, what are your final thoughts on baseball and softball getting back. For us, the unification of baseball and softball is really crucial to the hall chat of the game, so thank you for being here. Look, we want baseball and softball in the Olympics. We think it's crucial to the global growth of the game. People don't understand that hall chat terms of development money, and a lot of countries being an Olympic sport unlocks the safe, and it's a very big deal for the growth of the game internationally in a lot of countries. Commissioner Manfred: We're experimenting with a number of things. Probably the most significant is what we refer to as the pitch clock. In the Minor Leagues, we've experimented with both a hall chat pitch clock and a 15-second pitch clock, so that the pitcher would have to deliver within that period of time. The experiments have been pretty successful in terms of shortening our game, and we're going to continue to look at changes like this in order to make Major League Baseball as short and exact of a game as we possibly can. Brisiel: This is Julian, a recent graduate of San Diego State. Fan question: As a Commissioner, do hall chat think anything should be done to level the competitive edge between small markets and big markets and the media recognition. Commissioner Manfred: I think that the principal challenge of the Collective Bargaining process is always to construct our overall economic system in a way that produces competitive balance. We've been fortunate over the last few years. We've had great competitive balance with small market teams like Kansas City, Pittsburgh enjoying great success. In this next round, we are very interested in equalizing the access to amateur talent. We've done a pretty good job on the domestic side. We're really focused on the international side, so we hall chat have a situation where money dictates who gets the best players. Commissioner Manfred: You know, there are not a lot of issues often where I admit I'm a hall chat person, but I'm a status-quo person on this. If you think about it, the leagues are really significant competitive devices for us, right. You play up through your league to get to the World Series. Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming. You've had firsthand a chance to experience why this baseball program and all the Major Leagues and our love for this terrific game is in such wonderful hands. We have a passionate Commissioner, and he deserves your full applause -- Robert D.
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London: Guinness World Records Limited. We think it's crucial to the global growth of the game. A big round of applause as they join us on stage. Dick, you make a great point. Of course, not everybody has power that is in the Hall of Fame, like Luis Aparicio and Ozzie Smith -- then again, most of those powerless, lack of offense guys were usually slick-fielding shortstops and not from a position like the outfield that usually packs power. Players can access the dungeon by teleporting to the Memorial of Guthix with , or with charged. This is book 2 in the Teri Blake-Addison Mysteries series. I married a Canadian and have lived in Canada ever since - well, actually, I have lived in three countries: the U. I think the major thing that is hurting Bill Madlock, another Pirate that tends to be brought up in Hall of Fame debates, is the fact that he only averaged 120 games per season.
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